How long do you pray? Do you think that it is difficult to pray without ceasing? Every believing Christian knows that it is very important to pray. The problem is getting to pray and praying all the time. This article tells you how you can pray all the time.
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV).
With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God's people - Ephesians 6:18 (AMP).
Christians believe in praying but many have problem with the scripture that says we should pray without ceasing. Every scripture is for our own good. Some Christians can't make out time to pray at all except when they are in trouble or in need. This shouldn't be because our Father desires us to call upon Him all the time.
Prayer simply means communication with God. Just like you love to communicate with your loved one, so also the Lord desires to communicate with you. Or don't you love God? Prayer is a two-way thing - you speak to God and He speaks back to you. It is an opportunity to build on your relationship with the Father. Why then does it sound strange to pray without ceasing?
The scriptures says you are to pray all manner of prayers on all occasions and in every season ( Ephesians 6:18 ). This still talks about praying without ceasing but throws more light on how it is possible. When you bear in mind that prayer is communication with God and that you are to pray all kinds of prayers, an understanding of how to pray all the time will come to you.
As such, after your normal early quiet time with the Father, you can talk to Him as you are taking your bath, getting ready to go to work, entering your car or a bus, entering your office or a meeting, and so on. You are to get God involved with all your activities for the day, ask for wisdom, strength, help, understanding, favour and blessings. You are to trust the Lord with all your heart and not to lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ).
Praying without ceasing makes you more sensitive to God's presence with you, you will understand that He is truly with you all the time ( Hebrews 13:5-6 ). It will help you in your walk with God; because you will be conscious of the fact that He sees and hears everything you say and do. You will not willfully sin against the Father, when you know that He is watching you very well. Also, it is comforting knowing that your safety is sure all the time with God by your side.
Praying without ceasing and praying all manner of prayers give you the opportunity to pray for things that please God: for the expansion of His kingdom, for His will to be done in your community or nation and other kingdom matters. It enables you to give thanks always and to turn challenges into prayer points instead of murmuring and complaining about then, which will not change the situation. Prayer on the other hand changes things.
Praying all the time establishes your faith in God's supremacy over all, including the devil. This is because you believe that His 'Will' must stand over all situations and praying concerning those issues establishes the Lord's will over them.
In summary, you are to set out specific times to pray, when you will spend quiet time with the Father. However, you are also to pray throughout the day. This not only secures your day but also your future. So, start now to pray without ceasing.
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